Programme > Conférences invitées
Liste des communications invitées (confirmées)
Emmanuel Abraham (LOMA, Bordeaux):Terahertz adaptive optics with a deformable mirror,
Badih Assaf (LPA, Paris) : Bulk and surface signatures of non-trivial band topology in PbSnSe,
Laurent Cerutti (IES, Montpellier): Past, present and future of Mid-infrared VCSELs,
Emmanuel Centeno (Insitut Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand): Plasmonic and metamaterials devices operating from mid infrared to THz frequencies based on highly doped semiconductors,
Arnaud Cuisset (LPCA, Dunkerque): High-resolution gas phase THz/Far-IR spectroscopy using electronic, optoelectronic and synchrotron sources,
Yannick De Wilde (ESPCI, Paris): Thermal radiation studies of plasmonic materials and antennas,
Guillaume Ducourneau (IEMN, Lille): Wireless communication systems in the THz range,
Georgy Fedorov (MIPT, Moscow): Manifestation of plasmonic effects in graphene based detectors of terahertz radiation,
Yury V. Kistenev (Tomsk State University, Tomsk): Approaches of the molecular imaging and machine learning for medical applications,
Jérôme Lesueur (ESPCI, Paris): Superconducting THz devices,
Alexandre Locquet (Georgia Tech, Metz): Signal processing techniques for terahertz pulsed imaging and applications,
Dmitry Removich Khokhlov (Lomonosov, Moscou): Terahertz photoconductivity in the topological HgCdTe heterostructures,
Sergey Morozov (IPM, Nizhny-Novgorod): Long-wavelength stimulated emission up to 20 µm in narrow HgTe/CdHgTe QWs graphene like heterostructures as a result of suppression Auger recombination,
Jean-Marie Poumirol (Univ. Genève): Faraday rotation enhancement in graphene Metasurfaces,
Alexander Shkurinov (Lomonosov Moscow State University): Terahertz wave generation in cryogenic liquids,
Yanko Todorov (MPQ, Paris) : Metamaterial enhanced infrared detectors.